Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hands up!

Can someone other than a police or an enforcement officer arrest another person? Remember that a wrongful arrest may be a crime. You may arrest a person who in your presence has committed a "non bailable and seizable" offence. This category includes offences such as murder, rape, robbery or theft but not offences such as assault, cheating or careless driving. You cannot arrest a person if you did not actually see him commiting the offence, so don't go round knocking on doors just because your cousin told you that 'Penyamun Tarbus' stole his Ipod. The person arrested MUST without any unnecessary delay be handed over to a police officer or taken to the nearest Police station. So none of the 'waterboarding' or 'dikerajakan' nonsense or you will be the one facing arrest. Got that Dirty Harry?

Next post- How is an arrest made?

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